Mid-Atlantic Judging Center Higgins, Catherine, 140 Rodney Circle, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-3834; H:(610)525-4956, Cell: (610)733-7175, Email:[email protected].
Judging takes place at the Philadelphia Horticultural Center, 100 N. Horticultural Dr. and Montgomery Dr., Philadelphia, PA at 7:00PM on the third Wednesday of the month. Send cut flowers to: Walter Off, Waldor Orchids, 10 East Poplar Ave., Linwood, NJ 08221.
Judging takes place at the Philadelphia Horticultural Center, 100 N. Horticultural Dr. and Montgomery Dr., Philadelphia, PA at 7:00PM on the third Wednesday of the month. Send cut flowers to: Walter Off, Waldor Orchids, 10 East Poplar Ave., Linwood, NJ 08221.